July 19, 2020 * Sunday Morning *
I heard the call of a Red-shouldered Hawk. It's been calling, if it's the same one each time, every day and often throughout the entire day, into dusk.  The parents took over a Cooper's Hawk nest in the area approx. 6-7 years ago. I loved when the Cooper's nested here because their juvenile chicks hung out next door until they could hunt on their own. They were relatively easy to watch, photograph, and video tape.  The Red-Shoulder's are not so comfortable and don't hunt very close to residential yards and perch on fences or low trees like the Cooper's do.  The Cooper's are smaller and are masters at navigating through residential trees. At any rate, hearing the Red-shouldered juvenile hawk this morning reminded me of a video I took a few weeks ago on a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk. It still had some down feathers. Perhaps this is the same juvenile that's been calling out. If they would just come closer then I could probably photograph and start examining for any marking to tell if there is more than one juvenile calling out throughout the day. 


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